Category «Uncategorize»

Some Beautiful Cloud Themed Cake Ideas

Hello guys !!! How are you??. As you all know, its rainy season here and Rainy season always brings the most beautiful shapes and colours in clouds. The cloudy climate brings the ecstatic mood everywhere. Clouds are used in art by lots of people and the bakers are also not behind in it. Some creative …

International Sushi Day — Sushi themed Cake ideas

Hello, guys do you know, there something fishy today …. Well That’s because today is International Sushi Day.  So high five to all the sushi lovers out there … 🙂 June 18th is International Sushi Day, and the first year it was celebrated was in 2009. International Sushi Day was created for one simple reason …

Some Wonderful Beer themed cakes

Hi guys !!! Do you know what day is today ?? —- Friday ? — Yes yes !! — But along with friday , its international beer day !!!.  So today’s post is dedicated to all the beer lovers out there !!. But before starting anything, let me tell you… how it all began — So …

Some Fantastic Designs Of Drum Themed Cakes

Hello guys !!! Watsup !!! Hope you are doing fine as usual. Let start with today’s post … Well today’s post is dedicated to all the Drummers out there. Drummers are the heart of a band, they are the most important member of a band ..So for these important people we present you some cool …

Super cute cupcakes you have ever seen

Whether you’re making cupcakes for a dinner party or an event, or just to treat your guests or family, the looks are just as much important as their taste. You want to treat everyone with the deliciousness that melts in people’s mouths but only the most cutely piped cupcakes get the oohs, aahs and wows. So what we …

Strawberry designed cakes

Here’s a gallery update of our recent cakes for the cabinet and best alprazolam for special orders. We love making such delicacies… Look at these all the edible flowers which are picked fresh from the kitchen garden. If you’d like to make a special order for a cake please find more information here. Enjoy! source Comment below and …