Monthly archives: December, 2016

Awesome Disco Themed Cakes

Hello, guys! Are you ready for the gala? Dancing and grooving is what we all love to do. Even birthdays, wedding ceremonies or new year aren’t enough and everyone finds an excuse to party again in some days, right? Wild music and beats make us keep tapping our feet.  It makes us dance automatically. It’s …

14 ideas to make new year party memorable!

Have you made plans for new year bash yet? The New Year chimes ringing everywhere and it’s time to get moving and implement your party ideas. We are all excited to invite the new hope of new year in few coming days. You didn’t get time to plan a party yet? Want quick and amazing …

bike themed cakes for bike lovers

Bike riding guys and their gals sitting on a backseat, these cakes are for you! Every guy rides a bike at least in his days of youth. Even girls can’t leave without their vehicle. Doing crazy stunts and falling down is a part riding motorcycles. A bike is a part of a daily life as it …

Coffee inspired cakes for coffee lovers!

  Coffee is definitely a strong brew. A cool kick of java beans is what we need in the morning to push the day forward. Coffee is there to make us stay awake throughout the day, to make us do some important completion or gossiping with friends in the night. Whether we are having a …

Adorable Christmas Snacks

  Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas eve is here! Everyone is planning parties with friends and families or already having fun whole day and of course, there are delightful sweet treats for everyone. Without snacks, there is no any sporty gathering of loved ones. Snacks are helpful appetizers in every meal. One can pop up little pieces …

Surprise inside cakes for your loved ones!

Surprise! Whether it’s a birthday bash, simply a proposal or a pleasant shock to give to your loved ones, it is a part of our triumph. If you haven’t given surprise to anyone in your life yet, try doing so. See the cheery faces of those people who’s happiness matter to you. Even, a small …

Some Cool Penguins Themed Cakes / Penguins Cakes Ideas

Hello friends !!! Hope u are enjoying your day  🙂 .. Lets start with today’s post .. Well Today’s post is all about the Penguins. But before starting anything further, let me tell you some cool facts about penguins :- Penguins are flightless birds. While other birds have wings for flying, penguins have adapted flippers to help …

KFC themed cakes / KFC Cakes

Hello People !!! I hope you are enjoying your day as usual 🙂 . Let’s start with today’s post.. Well today’s post is dedicated to all the KFC’s fans out there, Hi 5 to all of you. Well KFC doesn’t need any introduction , but still let me give you brief intro  ” Kentucky Fried Chicken …

Make Up Themed Cakes / Make Up Cake Ideas

Hello friends !!! Hope u are enjoying your day!! ..Lets start with today’s post .. Well Today’s post is dedicated to all ladies out there !!!! Hi Five !!!  and yeah its about their favorite hobby, apart from shopping — Yep you guessed it right.. Its “ Make Up ”  ..Which every women loves to do and …