Monthly archives: May, 2016

Friends Cake Ideas / Friends Themed Cakes

Hello people..Hope u doing great day ❗ ❗ Lets start with today’s post ..Well today’s post is about my all time favorite tv series Friends. Well this Series needs no introduction. so without wasting anymore time I present you some Friends Cake Ideas / Friends Themed Cakes … So here we go … ➡ 1) Source : Pinterest 2) Lol…18 …

Some Cool Elephant themed cakes / Elephant cakes

Hello Guys!!! , How are you doing today ??,  Good right ??. Lets Start with today’s post , Well today’s post is all about ” Haathi mera Saathi ” or you can say about Elephants . Here are Some Cool and Interesting Facts about Elephants :- Did you know ?? :- Elephants are the largest …