Monthly archives: May, 2020

No Smoking Cake ideas for Celebrating World no tobacco day

Replacing the smoke on your face with a smile today will replace illness in your life with happiness tomorrow. … What is World No Tobacco Day? and why it is celebrated? According to Wikipedia: WNTD or World No Tobacco Day is observed around the world every year on 31 May. This yearly celebration informs the …

Celebrate Father’s Day with CrustnCakes

“A father doesn’t tell you that he loves you. He shows you.” —Dimitri the Stoneheart A father is that ordinary person, which turned by loved into Hero, adventurer, a story teller.  He is son’s first hero, and daughter’s first love. He is the person, whom u can look upto when you are in any kind …

Burger’s Day Cake / Some cool burger themed cakes

High five to all the Burger lovers out there ….  This post is specially dedicated to you all …  Do you know, what day is today ??  —– umm Guess? —- Well it’s International Burger Day – Burger day is Celebrated on every 28th of May. National Burger Day / International Burger day / Hamburger …

Celebrate Brother’s Day with CrustnCakes

“A Brother is a gift to the heart, a friend to the Spirit” Brother –  A Super annoying creature, who is always there to fight with you, he never miss a chance to tease you, but in the end, he is the one, who is always there for you, in up and down. He will …

Some Cool Brother’s day Cake ideas

 Brother: A person who is always there when you need him; SomeOne who picks you up When you fall; A Person who sticks up for you When no one else will; A Brother is always a friend. Hi guys, Happy Brother’s day to all <3 <3 <3 … As we all know, Brother/Brothers is/are the …

Celebrate Mother’s day with CrustnCakes

” God can’t be everywhere, therefore, she created mother” Mother, she is that special person, who works for 24 hours a day – Yet never complains. She has many roles, She acts like an alarm clock, a Cook, a maid, a teacher, a nanny, a nurse, a bodyguard, a counselor, a photographer, a friend, an …